The Youth Ask Youth census was developed by over 300 NYC youth ages 13-24. It covers questions related to jobs, safety, policing, food, internet access, experience with schooling, civic participation, health, and covid specific questions. It allows youth to reflect on your current experience and to suggest creative improvements to the systems and services for young people in NYC. This dashboard summarizes the results of the Youth Ask Youth census.

Who completed this survey?

Amplify Youth Ask Youth Survey Data Dashboard

Principal Investigators: Sarah Zeller-Berkman, Jason Bryer & Isabelle Elisha

Please direct questions and comments to Jason Bryer, Ph.D. at

Significant contributions from Rachel Greenlee and Amanda Matles.

Visit the website for more information.

Community / Neighborhood

  1. What do you like about where you live? Check all that apply.
    1. I like the people
    2. I like that everyone looks out for one another
    3. I like how ethnically diverse it is (lots of people from all over the world)
    4. I like how economically diverse it is (there are people who have money, people who don't have much money and some people in the middle)
    5. I like the green spaces (parks and gardens)
    6. I like how accessible it is by public transportation
    7. I like how clean it is
    8. I like the food options
    9. I like the stores
    10. I like the schools
    11. I like the libraries
    12. I don't like anything
    13. Other
  2. What are some problems you see where you live? Check all that apply
    1. It is hard to access my community by public transportation
    2. The houses look worn down
    3. It’s dirty
    4. There is not timely snow/garbage removal
    5. People are not looking out for each other
    6. There are not many food options
    7. There are not enough green spaces (parks and gardens)
    8. There is violence
    9. There aren’t any good schools
    10. Lack of affordable housing
    11. People are dealing with drug addiction
    12. There are not enough pharmacies
    13. Gentrification (the buying and fixing of houses and stores in neighborhoods by upper or middle-income individuals, families, or companies which raises the cost of living, making it unaffordable for those who used to live in the neighborhood)
    14. Too much police in my neighborhood
    15. Not enough police in my neighborhood
    16. I don't see problems where I live
    17. Other
  3. What would make things better where you live?
    1. Better schools
    2. More green spaces
    3. Affordable housing
    4. Community events (block parties, holiday gatherings, etc.)
    5. Youth programs for kids to attend
    6. Public art (murals, sculptures, etc.)
    7. More pharmacies
    8. More stores/markets
    9. More jobs
    10. More Community Centers
    11. Other
  4. Give us a creative idea about how to improve the neighborhood that is not mentioned on this list!
  5. Please check how safe you generally feel in each of these places:
    1. In my home
      1. not at all
      2. not very
      3. somewhat
      4. a little
      5. completely
      6. not applicable
    2. Where I sleep (if different from home)
      1. not at all
      2. not very
      3. somewhat
      4. a little
      5. completely
      6. not applicable
    3. At school
      1. not at all
      2. not very
      3. somewhat
      4. a little
      5. completely
      6. not applicable
    4. Walking to/from school
      1. not at all
      2. not very
      3. somewhat
      4. a little
      5. completely
      6. not applicable
    5. At my place of worship
      1. not at all
      2. not very
      3. somewhat
      4. a little
      5. completely
      6. not applicable
    6. In my neighborhood
      1. not at all
      2. not very
      3. somewhat
      4. a little
      5. completely
      6. not applicable
    7. Walking down the street that I live
      1. not at all
      2. not very
      3. somewhat
      4. a little
      5. completely
      6. not applicable
  6. The following questions are about police interactions. Reminder: your responses to this and all questions in the YAY census will be kept confidential and no names will be linked to your answers.
    1. In 2020, have you ever been stopped and/or questioned by the police? Please answer to the best you can remember.
      1. Yes
      2. No
    2. How many times have you been stopped and/or questioned by the police in 2020? Please answer to the best you can remember. Please answer to the best you can remember.
    3. Where were you stopped and/or questioned by police most recently?
    4. What was the situation when you were stopped and/or questioned by police most recently?
      1. Fare evasion
      2. Loitering
      3. Fit the description
      4. Not social distancing
      5. Trespassing
      6. Truancy
      7. Gathering in a group
      8. No reason provided
      9. N/A
      10. Other
    5. During the most recent time that you were stopped/questioned by the police, were you given a chance to exercise your rights? {for example, you have the right to remain silent (just give name and address), and the right to talk to a lawyer before you talk to the police}
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. I don't know/remember
  7. The following questions are about being searched and/or frisked police. Reminder: your responses to this and all questions in the YAY census will be kept confidential and no names will be linked to your answers.
    1. Have you been searched without consent or frisked by the police in 2020 (i.e. had an officer pass their hands over your body)?
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. I don't know/remember
    2. How many times have you been searched without consent in 2020? Please answer to the best you can remember.
    3. How many times have you been frisked by the police in 2020? Please answer to the best you can remember.
  8. What do you think about the police in your neighborhood? Use the number scale to indicate which statement about police you agree with more. For any question you feel you have not had relevant experience before, please feel free to skip it.
    1. How fair are the police?
      1. Yes they do - No they don't
    2. How trustworthy are the police?
      1. Yes they do - No they don't
    3. How do the police use their power?
      1. Yes they do - No they don't
    4. Do the police create problems or prevent problems?
      1. Yes they do - No they don't
    5. Do they make you feel more unsafe or safe?
      1. Yes they do - No they don't
    6. What kind of role models are they?
      1. Yes they do - No they don't
    7. Do the police discriminate based on race?
      1. Yes they do - No they don't
    8. Do the police discriminate against LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) people?
      1. Yes they do - No they don't
    9. Do the police discriminate based on gender?
      1. Yes they do - No they don't
    10. Do the police discriminate based on immigration status?
      1. Yes they do - No they don't
    11. Do police discriminate based on class (if you are rich or poor)?
      1. Yes they do - No they don't
    12. Do police discriminate against you?
      1. Yes they do - No they don't
  9. What do your ideas about police come from?
    1. Your own experience with police
    2. Hearing about experiences with police from family
    3. Hearing about the experiences of your friend(s)
    4. Social media
    5. Newspapers
    6. News on television
    7. Other
  10. The mission of the Police Department is in the next slide. What grade would you give them on accomplishing their mission?
    1. The mission of the New York City Police Department is to enhance the quality of life in New York City by working in partnership with the community to enforce the law, preserve peace, reduce fear, and maintain order. The Department is committed to accomplishing its mission of protecting the lives and property of all citizens of New York City by treating every citizen with compassion, courtesy, professionalism, and respect….
      1. A +
      2. A
      3. A-
      4. B+
      5. B
      6. B-
      7. C+
      8. C
      9. C-
      10. D+
      11. D
      12. D-
      13. F
    2. Write more about which parts they are doing well on and which parts they need to improve so we can let them know (FYI nothing you share as an individual will be reported):
  11. Community Participation: For the questions below: Please rate how much you agree with the following statements.
    1. I am interested in opportunities to impact what goes on in my neighborhood
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    2. I have opportunities to express my thoughts about my community to people who may be able to do something about it
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    3. I have opportunities for my views to be heard by those who make decisions about my neighborhood
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    4. I have opportunities for my perspectives to be taken into consideration on decisions affecting my community
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    5. I have opportunities to improve my neighborhood (shape policies, decide how money is spent, etc)
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    6. I am interested in opportunities to impact my city
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    7. I have opportunities for my views to be heard by those who make decisions about my city
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    8. I have opportunities to improve my city (shape policies, decide how money is spent, etc)
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
  12. How do you define “community”?
    1. My neighborhood
    2. My religious community
    3. My friend circle
    4. My school
    5. My family
    6. Other
  13. We are interested in ways that you shape communities, programs and policies that impact our lives. Which of the following have you been involved in?
    1. An activist organization
    2. Activism activities not associated with an organization (petitions, marches/demonstrations, walkouts)
    3. A leadership program
    4. Identity based groups (Black Lives Matter, Gay-Straight Alliance, etc.)
    5. A youth council in school
    6. A youth council in a youth program
    7. A youth council in a city agency
    8. Leadership in a religious organization
    9. Participatory budgeting (participatory budgeting is a democratic process in which community members decide how to spend part of a public budget. It gives people real power over real money).
    10. A community board (members as young as 16 can be appointed to advise in monthly meetings on issue related to zoning and land-use issues, budgeting and the delivery of city services)
    11. Neighborhood Advisory Boards (NABs provide residents as young as 16 with an opportunity to help identify funding priorities in 42 neighborhoods).
    12. A participatory action research project (a research project conducted by those who are most impacted by the issue being studied)
    13. None of the above
    14. Other
  14. What are some of the barriers to being part of the opportunities mentioned above?
    1. I don't have access to those type of opportunities
    2. I care for a family member
    3. I am not allowed by my family
    4. I have too much schoolwork
    5. I do too many other extra-curricular activities
    6. I have a job
    7. I am responsible for taking care of the home (cleaning, cooking, etc)
    8. I am not interested
    9. Other
  15. Do you think it's important to vote?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  16. Please explain why or why not:
  17. Have you ever voted?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. I am not 18 yet
  18. Please explain why or why not:
  19. Will you vote when you turn 18?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Not sure
  20. Please explain why or why not?
  21. Where did you learn how to vote
    1. School
    2. Parent/guardian
    3. Friend
    4. Internet
    5. A youth program
    6. I haven’t learned how to vote
    7. Other
  22. The following questions are about experiences in preventative care, foster care, juvenile dentition, and jail (just remember that everything you write is confidential. Nothing will be reported with names. This is youth asking youth about experiences so that we can work to make things better).
    1. Have you personally had experience with any of these systems? (preventative care, foster care, juvenile dentition, and/or jail)
      1. Yes
      2. No
    2. Have you ever had Administration for Children’s services (ACS) preventive services in your/your family’s life? (it could be that they checked up on you/your family, they are helped to get services/programs, etc).
      1. Yes
      2. No
    3. Please tell us anything related to ACS prevention services that may improve things for other young people in the future.
    4. Have you ever been in foster care?
      1. Yes
      2. No
    5. Please tell us anything related to foster care that may improve things for other young people in the future.
    6. Have you ever been in an alternative to detention/incarceration program?
      1. Yes
      2. No
    7. Please tell us anything related to your experience in this alternative program that may improve things for other young people in the future.
    8. Have you ever been in a secure placement (in the community but you are not allowed to leave when you want)?
      1. Yes
      2. No
    9. Please tell us anything related to your experience in this secure placement that may improve things for other young people in the future.
    10. Have you ever been in jail or prison?
      1. Yes
      2. No
    11. Please tell us anything related to jail or prison that may improve things for other young people in the future.
    12. Have you ever been on probation?
      1. Yes
      2. No
    13. Please tell us anything related to your experience on probation that may improve things for other young people in the future.
  23. What more do we need to know to understand neighborhood/community issues in your life?


  1. What is your current level of education? Please check one.
    1. Middle school
    2. High school
    3. GED
    4. College (in college or have some college but took a break)
    5. College graduate
    6. Dropped/pushed out of high school
    7. Other
  2. Have you attended a college or trade school through the City University of New York (CUNY)?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  3. Which CUNY do/did you attend? (if multiple, please list all)
  4. Financial Aid:
    1. The financial aid staff helps clarify my questions
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    2. The financial aid staff offers me personalized support
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    3. The financial aid staff tells me about opportunities to finance my education
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
  5. What could be improved about financial aid at CUNY?
    1. More scholarship opportunities
    2. More flexibility
    3. More knowledgeable
    4. More compassion
    5. Other
  6. Which programs provided by Career Services at CUNY have you found useful?
    1. Resume building
    2. Interview skill building
    3. Career fairs
    4. Career advisement
    5. Other
  7. What programs would you like your career service at CUNY to provide?
  8. What are some barriers that make it difficult to complete your degree?
    1. Feeling unprepared for college level work
    2. Balancing work while going to school full-time or part-time
    3. Balancing school while being a parent or guardian
    4. Balancing school while care-taking for a family member
    5. Tuition costs/keeping up with my payments
    6. Having a stable place to live
    7. Being unable to have credits transferred from a previous school
    8. Having physical health issues
    9. Having mental health issues
    10. Immigration status
    11. I don't have any barriers
    12. Other
  9. Tell us about a time you were excited about your learning: Where were you (school, a youth program, at home, at camp) and why was it exciting?
  10. Which of the following did you experience in the 2019-2020 school year?
    1. I missed 18 or more days of school
    2. I had to take care of a family member (childcare or caring for someone with a disability or illness)
    3. I was honored or given an award
    4. I was late to school more than 18 times
    5. I had to go to court
    6. I learned something that made me think differently
    7. I was bullied
    8. I came to school exhausted more than 18 times
    9. The class I needed/wanted wasn’t offered
    10. I met with a social worker
    11. I met with an advisor
    12. I had health issues
    13. I talked to someone in school about my next steps (academic or career)
    14. I was pregnant or had a baby
    15. I had fun learning
    16. I repeated a grade/had to take classes over again
    17. I was in a leadership role
    18. Other

The following questions are about your experience in middle school or high school. If you are no longer in middle school or high school, please answer by thinking back to when you were.

  1. Please rate how much you agree with the following statements. We know that these feelings can change week to week based on our experiences, but answer how you generally feel.
    1. I like school
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    2. I feel engaged by or interested in the material being taught/classroom activities conducted
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    3. My culture/community/demographic is represented in my school’s discussions and curriculum
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    4. My teachers are good at teaching the material being taught/classroom activities conducted
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    5. I feel prepared to accomplish the next thing I want to in my life in terms of personal, academic, or professional development
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    6. School staff respects me
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    7. School staff makes me feel stressed
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    8. School staff treat me as if I’m smart
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    9. School staff act as if they are afraid of me
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    10. School staff care about me
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    11. My teachers encourage me to do my best
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    12. My teachers look like me
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    13. My school is overcrowded
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    14. I get the right amount of schoolwork
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    15. Teachers listen to what I have to say
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    16. I care about getting good grades
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    17. I feel challenged by what I’m learning
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    18. I take too many tests
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
    19. I feel pushed to finish school
      1. Strongly Disagree
      2. Disagree
      3. Somewhat Disagree
      4. Somewhat Agree
      5. Agree
      6. Strongly Agree
  2. What do/did you think about your teachers? For each question below: Use the number scale to indicate how you feel/felt about your teachers.
    1. Are your teachers fair?
      1. They are unfair - They are fair
    2. Are your teachers trustworthy?
      1. They are untrustworthy - They are trustworthy
    3. How do you your teachers use power?
      1. They abuse power - They use power wisely
    4. Do your teachers create problems or prevent problems?
      1. They create problems - They prevent problems
    5. Do your teachers make you feel safe?
      1. They make me feel unsafe - They make me feel safe
    6. What kind of role models you feel like your teachers are?
      1. They're poor role models - They're good role models
    7. Do your teachers discriminate based on race?
      1. Yes they do - No they don't I dont know
    8. Do your teachers discriminate against LGBTQ people?
      1. Yes they do - No they don't I dont know
    9. Do your teachers discriminate based on gender?
      1. Yes they do - No they don't I dont know
    10. Do your teachers discriminate based on immigration status?
      1. Yes they do - No they don't I dont know
    11. Do your teachers discriminate based on class? (if you are poor or rich)
      1. Yes they do - No they don't I dont know
    12. Do your teachers discriminate against you?
      1. Yes they do - No they don't I dont know
  3. School Discipline:
    1. Have you ever been..? (Check ALL that apply).
      1. given detention
      2. given an in-school suspension
      3. given an out-of-school suspension
      4. sent to an alternative learning center
      5. gotten arrested in school
      6. N/A
      7. Other
  4. Do you have any ideas about how to make discipline practices better in NYC public schools?
  5. _Restorative justice is a way to resolve conflict where those involved (teachers, principals, deans, parents, children, etc) come together to talk about what happened, why the situation happened, how to repair any harm done, what can be learned from the situation, and how to move forward. All of this is done without automatically turning to detentions, suspensions and arrest. _Does your school use restorative justice?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. I do not know
  6. _A talking/restorative/peacemaking circle is a structured process for participants to share their experiences, talk openly, ask questions, talk about what hurt them, seek support, make amends, plan actions to prevent conflict and towards the community. When people get in trouble at my school they use talking circles (or restorative/peacemaking circles) to resolve the conflict. _
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. I do not know
  7. In the next series of questions let us know if you learned this skill and from whom or where did you learn it? Please check all that apply.
    1. How to study effectively
      1. School
      2. Parent/guardian
      3. Friend
      4. Internet
      5. A youth program
      6. I haven't learned this yet
      7. Other
    2. Organizational skills (goal-setting, to do lists, action plans, timelines, time-management)
      1. School
      2. Parent/guardian
      3. Friend
      4. Internet
      5. A youth program
      6. I haven't learned this yet
      7. Other
    3. How to apply for a scholarships or financial aid
      1. School
      2. Parent/guardian
      3. Friend
      4. Internet
      5. A youth program
      6. I haven't learned this yet
      7. Other
    4. How to apply to college
      1. School
      2. Parent/guardian
      3. Friend
      4. Internet
      5. A youth program
      6. I haven't learned this yet
      7. Other
  8. Which skills do you wish you could learn that you are not currently being taught?
  9. Which learning experiences are available to you? (Reminder: If you are no longer in middle school or high school, please try to remember back to when you were)
    1. Travel to other cities (check ALL that apply)
      1. available through school
      2. available through a program outside of school
      3. family provides
      4. I have access but not in sufficient quality or amount
      5. I don't have access
      6. I don't know
      7. Other
    2. Travel to other countries.
      1. available through school
      2. available through a program outside of school
      3. family provides
      4. I have access but not in sufficient quality or amount
      5. I don't have access
      6. I don't know
      7. other
    3. Sports ( team, soccer, gymnastics, track).
      1. available through school
      2. available through a program outside of school
      3. family provides
      4. I have access but not in sufficient quality or amount
      5. I don't have access
      6. I don't know
      7. Other
    4. Clubs (e.g. chess, leadership, gay-straight alliance).
      1. available through school
      2. available through a program outside of school
      3. family provides
      4. I have access but not in sufficient quality or amount
      5. I don't have access
      6. I don't know
      7. Other
    5. Advanced classes such as Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate.
      1. available through school
      2. available through a program outside of school
      3. family provides
      4. I have access but not in sufficient quality or amount
      5. I don't have access
      6. I don't know
      7. Other
    6. Arts (music, drama, dance, photo etc).
      1. available through school
      2. available through a program outside of school
      3. family provides
      4. I have access but not in sufficient quality or amount
      5. I don't have access
      6. I don't know
      7. Other
    7. Civics education (where you learn your rights and duties as a citizen, how to be politically involved, how to be involved in shaping your community).
      1. available through school
      2. available through a program outside of school
      3. family provides
      4. I have access but not in sufficient quality or amount
      5. I don't have access
      6. I don't know
      7. Other
    8. Computer science (tech, coding classes, etc.)
      1. available through school
      2. available through a program outside of school
      3. family provides
      4. I have access but not in sufficient quality or amount
      5. I don't have access
      6. I don't know
      7. Other
    9. After school learning opportunities (music lessons, learning to code, dance, leadership, etc).
      1. available through school
      2. available through a program outside of school
      3. family provides
      4. I have access but not in sufficient quality or amount
      5. I don't have access
      6. I don't know
      7. Other
  10. Which learning resources are available to you? (If you are no longer in middle school or high school, please try to remember back to when you were)
    1. Library
      1. available through school
      2. available through a program outside of school
      3. family provides
      4. I have access but not in sufficient quality or amount
      5. I don't have access
      6. I don't know
      7. Other
    2. Free tutoring
      1. available through school
      2. available through a program outside of school
      3. family provides
      4. I have access but not in sufficient quality or amount
      5. I don't have access
      6. I don't know
      7. Other
    3. Internet
      1. available through school
      2. available through a program outside of school
      3. family provides
      4. I have access but not in sufficient quality or amount
      5. I don't have access
      6. I don't know
      7. Other
    4. Science lab materials (like microscopes)
      1. available through school
      2. available through a program outside of school
      3. family provides
      4. I have access but not in sufficient quality or amount
      5. I don't have access
      6. I don't know
      7. Other
    5. Computer access
      1. available through school
      2. available through a program outside of school
      3. family provides
      4. I have access but not in sufficient quality or amount
      5. I don't have access
      6. I don't know
      7. Other
    6. Access to cultural institutions (museums, theater, etc.).
      1. available through school
      2. available through a program outside of school
      3. family provides
      4. I have access but not in sufficient quality or amount
      5. I don't have access
      6. I don't know
      7. Other
  11. Write a six word poem about your school (e.g. Small, Disruptive Chaos, Yet I Succeeded)
  12. Tell us a bit more about your school. If you are not in high school now try to remember what school was like back then.
    1. My school is welcoming
    2. My school has rodents or other pests (i.e. cockroaches, bed bugs)
    3. There often is not enough toilet paper in the bathrooms
    4. My school feels like a community
    5. My school has lots of security/cops
    6. There are not enough desks for each student
    7. I have access to a nurse
    8. I have soap in the bathrooms
    9. There are not enough books for each student
    10. I have access to clean water to drink when I need it
    11. My classes feel like there are too many students in them
    12. Other
  13. COVID-19 and Learning:
    1. How has COVID-19 impacted your learning (we know these feelings may change week to week so just answer generally).
      1. It has increased my ability to do school work
      2. It has decreased my ability to do school work
      3. NA
    2. Why did it increase your ability to do school work?
      1. I have less distractions now that I am learning from home
      2. I have more supports from family
      3. I have more time (no commuting)
      4. I feel less tired
      5. I lost my job and I am only in school
      6. I feel more comfortable at home
      7. I am not having problems with other students
      8. I am less anxious
      9. I like online learning
      10. I get personalized supports from teachers
      11. Other
    3. Why did it decrease your ability to do school work?
      1. I have more distractions now that I am learning from home
      2. There were changes in household tasks/responsibilities (cooking, cleaning, care-taking for others)
      3. I don't like online learning
      4. Changes in work hours/responsibilities
      5. Changes to access to space to do school work
      6. Mental state of others in household
      7. Physical Health
      8. Changes in access to computer/internet/wifi
      9. Changes in living arrangements
      10. Physical health of others in the household
      11. Feeling unsafe at home
      12. I lost my job
      13. Mental health challenges
      14. I miss social interactions with friends
      15. I don't get personalized supports from teachers
      16. Other
  14. NYC Public schools say that they are committed to “equity” (this means meeting every student where they are, and providing the support, resources, and high expectations for them to achieve at consistently high levels). Based on your experience, how are schools doing in achieving their mission?
    1. A+
    2. A
    3. A-
    4. B+
    5. B
    6. B-
    7. C+
    8. C
    9. C-
    10. D+
    11. D
    12. D-
    13. F
    14. I do not go to public school
  15. Write more about which parts they are doing well on and which parts they need to improve so we can let them know (FYI nothing you share as an individual will be reported):
  16. NYC Public schools say that they are committed to “diversity” (this means diverse in terms of race/ethnicity; (dis)ability; economic, languages, etc). Based on your experience, how are schools doing in achieving that mission?
    1. A +
    2. A
    3. A-
    4. B+
    5. B
    6. B-
    7. C+
    8. C
    9. C-
    10. D+
    11. D
    12. D-
    13. F
    14. I do not go to public school
  17. Write more about which parts they are doing well on and which parts they need to improve so we can let them know (FYI nothing you share as an individual will be reported):
  18. Share a creative idea that you think would help make your school or your city's education system better:
  19. What more do we need to know to understand “learning” in your life?


  1. Pick the top three ideas you think will help NYC youth feel financially secure even if they weren’t born with money.
    1. Summer Jobs For All (every high school student who wants a summer job can get one)
    2. Monthly MetroCards for people under 24 to go wherever they want whenever they want
    3. Start up money for youth created businesses that address city/community needs
    4. Create a “baby bond” (money given to each child at birth from $500 to $50,000 depending if you are born into a family with a little money or a lot of money already. When the child becomes an adult they get the money and interest earned on the money).
    5. Youth organize “swaps” of clothing, electronics, etc so that people can refresh their closets without paying a lot of money
    6. Young people can get paid to do jobs during the year and summer that help NYC become greener and more able to deal with climate change (build green roofs on school buildings, work in urban gardens/farms to create healthy food that feeds the community)
    7. Young people paid to monitor if city government is doing a good job (monitor snow removal, garbage pick up, quality of school buildings, quality of parks and other green spaces, government agencies)
    8. Youth get paid by companies for all the data they collect on youth -personal data lockers
  2. Write your own idea:
  3. Employment:
    1. In summer 2019, did you:
      1. Apply for the summer youth employment program (SYEP) but not get in
      2. Apply for a job but not get it
      3. Have a job through the summer youth employment program (SYEP)
      4. Have a paid job not through the summer youth employment program (SYEP) (it could be on or off the books)
      5. Couldn't work outside of the house because you had to take care of a family member (sibling or elder)
      6. Have a paid internship
      7. Have an unpaid internship
      8. Work in a family business
      9. Other
    2. Did you grow your professional skills?
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. NA
    3. Did you grow your professional network?
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. NA
    4. Did you have a job during the 2019 - 2020 school year?
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. NA
    5. Based on your experience, how would you like the city to support youth employment?
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. NA
  4. Please select if and where you learned the following skills:
    1. How to write a resume:
      1. School
      2. Parent/guardian
      3. Friend
      4. Internet
      5. A youth program
      6. Summer Youth Employment Program
      7. I haven't learned this yet
      8. Other
    2. How to write a cover letter
      1. School
      2. Parent/guardian
      3. Friend
      4. Internet
      5. A youth program
      6. Summer Youth Employment Program
      7. I haven't learned this yet
      8. Other
    3. How to open a bank account
      1. School
      2. Parent/guardian
      3. Friend
      4. Internet
      5. A youth program
      6. Summer Youth Employment Program
      7. I haven't learned this yet
      8. Other
    4. How credit cards work:
      1. School
      2. Parent/guardian
      3. Friend
      4. Internet
      5. A youth program
      6. Summer Youth Employment Program
      7. I haven't learned this yet
      8. Other
    5. How a mortgage works:
      1. School
      2. Parent/guardian
      3. Friend
      4. Internet
      5. A youth program
      6. Summer Youth Employment Program
      7. I haven't learned this yet
      8. Other
    6. How to balance your budget
      1. School
      2. Parent/guardian
      3. Friend
      4. Internet
      5. A youth program
      6. Summer Youth Employment Program
      7. I haven't learned this yet
      8. Other
    7. How to file taxes:
      1. School
      2. Parent/guardian
      3. Friend
      4. Internet
      5. A youth program
      6. Summer Youth Employment Program
      7. I haven't learned this yet
      8. Other
  5. Economics at home (remember we are just asking this to try to make things better for all NYC youth)
    1. Do you live with a parent or guardian?
      1. Yes
      2. No
    2. How often is your family worried about being able to afford rent/mortgage payments?
      1. Always
      2. Frequently
      3. Sometimes
      4. Rarely
      5. Never
      6. Does not apply to me
    3. How often is your family worried about having somewhere safe to sleep?
      1. Always
      2. Frequently
      3. Sometimes
      4. Rarely
      5. Never
      6. Does not apply to me
    4. How often is your family worried about being able to buy enough food?
      1. Always
      2. Frequently
      3. Sometimes
      4. Rarely
      5. Never
      6. Does not apply to me
    5. How often is your family worried about being able to afford transportation (train, bus, gas, etc.)?
      1. Always
      2. Frequently
      3. Sometimes
      4. Rarely
      5. Never
      6. Does not apply to me
    6. How often is your family worried about being able to afford school supplies?
      1. Always
      2. Frequently
      3. Sometimes
      4. Rarely
      5. Never
      6. Does not apply to me
    7. How often is your family worried about being able to afford clothing?
      1. Always
      2. Frequently
      3. Sometimes
      4. Rarely
      5. Never
      6. Does not apply to me
    8. How often is your family worried about being able to pay bills (gas, electricity, internet, etc. )?
      1. Always
      2. Frequently
      3. Sometimes
      4. Rarely
      5. Never
      6. Does not apply to me
  6. Personal economics (remember we are just asking this to try to make things better for all NYC youth)
    1. How often are you personally worried about being able to afford rent/mortgage payments?
      1. Always
      2. Frequently
      3. Sometimes
      4. Rarely
      5. Never
      6. Does not apply to me
    2. How often are you personally worried about having somewhere safe to sleep?
      1. Always
      2. Frequently
      3. Sometimes
      4. Rarely
      5. Never
      6. Does not apply to me
    3. How often are you personally worried about being able to buy enough food?
      1. Always
      2. Frequently
      3. Sometimes
      4. Rarely
      5. Never
      6. Does not apply to me
    4. How often are you personally worried about being able to afford transportation (train or bus)?
      1. Always
      2. Frequently
      3. Sometimes
      4. Rarely
      5. Never
      6. Does not apply to me
    5. How often are you personally worried about being able to afford school supplies?
      1. Always
      2. Frequently
      3. Sometimes
      4. Rarely
      5. Never
      6. Does not apply to me
    6. How often are you personally worried about being able to afford clothing?
      1. Always
      2. Frequently
      3. Sometimes
      4. Rarely
      5. Never
      6. Does not apply to me
    7. How often are you personally worried about being able to pay the phone bill?
      1. Always
      2. Frequently
      3. Sometimes
      4. Rarely
      5. Never
      6. Does not apply to me
    8. How often are you personally worried about being able to pay the utility bills (electricity, internet, gas etc.)?
      1. Always
      2. Frequently
      3. Sometimes
      4. Rarely
      5. Never
      6. Does not apply to me
  7. Are there any other money worries you want to share with us (e.g. childcare, college savings, vacations, etc.)?
  8. Access to a computer or tablet:
    1. Do you have a computer or tablet device at home that you can use for your school or work needs (for example, writing papers)?
      1. Yes
      2. No
    2. Do you have regular access?
      1. Yes
      2. No
    3. Is it reliable?
      1. Yes
      2. No
    4. Where do you use a computer? Check ALL that apply.
      1. Home
      2. School
      3. Library
      4. Friend or relative’s house
      5. I use my phone
      6. I don’t use a computer
      7. Other
      8. NA
  9. Internet Access:
    1. Do you have internet access at home?
      1. Yes
      2. No
    2. Is it reliable?
      1. Yes
      2. No
    3. Where do you use the internet? Check ALL that apply.
      1. Home
      2. School
      3. Library
      4. Friend or Relative’s house
      5. Subway Station
      6. On my phone
      7. I don’t use the internet
      8. Other
      9. NA
  10. Experiences with homelessness (remember we are just asking this to try to make things better for all NYC youth)
    1. Have you ever been homeless? (This can include staying in other people’s houses without knowing if you will have a permanent place to live.)
      1. Yes
      2. No
    2. Are you currently homeless?
      1. Yes
      2. No
    3. Have you ever lived in a shelter?
      1. Yes
      2. No
    4. Did you feel safe there?
      1. Yes
      2. No
    5. What recommendations do you have for the city about how to offer shelter to youth and families?
  11. Do you feel hopeful about your ability to afford to live in NYC when you grow up?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. I don't want to live in NYC
  12. Is there anything else we need to know regarding this section?

Health and Relationships

  1. In the past three months how much did you exercise?
    1. Often
    2. Sometimes
    3. Rarely
    4. Never
  2. How has the COVID-19 crisis impacted your ability to do physical activity or exercise?
    1. I do less physical activity or exercise
    2. I do more physical activity or exercise
    3. It has not impacted my ability to do physical activity or exercise
    4. I don't generally do physical activity or exercise
  3. Where did you learn how to maintain your physical fitness?
    1. School
    2. Parent/guardian
    3. Friend
    4. Internet
    5. Media (social media, books, magazines)
    6. A youth program
    7. I haven't learned this yet
    8. Other
  4. Have you experienced the following in the past 3 months?
    1. Gone hungry often
    2. Gone hungry sometimes
    3. Cut or skipped meals due to lack of money
    4. Worried that you would run out of food before you could buy more
    5. N/A
  5. Do you currently have access to affordable, healthy food?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  6. Has COVID-19 impacted your ability to access food?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. N/A
  7. Do you eat the meals provided at NYC public schools?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. N/A
  8. Why not?
    1. It tastes bad
    2. It is unhealthy
    3. I bring my own food
    4. I go out to lunch
    5. You get judged by others
    6. I spend that time with friends instead of eating
    7. I am scared to leave the house during COVID-19 to pick up food
    8. Other
  9. Where did you learn to cook healthy meals?
    1. School
    2. Parent/guardian
    3. Friend
    4. Internet
    5. Media (social media, books, magazines)
    6. A youth program
    7. I haven't learned this yet
    8. Other
  10. Romantic relationships (we know that not all romantic relationships are sexual and not all sexual relationships are romantic)
    1. Have you ever been in a romantic relationship?
      1. Yes
      2. No
    2. Have you ever been in a romantic relationship where you felt appreciated?
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. Unsure
    3. Have you ever been in a romantic relationship where you felt emotionally supported?
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. Unsure
    4. Where have you been taught or provided a model of how to foster a romantic relationship that contains qualities that you seek?
      1. School
      2. Family
      3. Friends
      4. A Youth Program
      5. Media (social media, magazines, books)
      6. I have not been taught or provided a model
      7. Other
    5. Do you feel you have the resources or a support system to follow up with when dealing with a relationship in which you are struggling?
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. N/A
  11. Sex Education
    1. Where did you learn about sex?
      1. School
      2. Parent/guardian
      3. Friend
      4. Internet
      5. Media (social media, books, magazines)
      6. A youth program
      7. A health-care provider (nurse, doctor, etc)
      8. Other
    2. Please tell us about the sex education you received at your school. Did you learn about:
      1. Condoms or Other safe-sex supplies
      2. Plan B pill
      3. Birth control
      4. How to prevent pregnancy
      5. How to prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
      6. Safe sex between same-sex partners
      7. Sex as pleasure
      8. Consent
      9. How to communicate your emotional needs
      10. How to communicate your physical needs
      11. I never received sexual education
      12. Other
    3. When did you have sexual health education?
      1. Pre-school
      2. Elementary age
      3. Middle school age
      4. High School age
      5. College age
      6. Other
    4. How did you feel about the timing of your sexual health education?
      1. It felt too early
      2. Right on time
      3. It felt too late
      4. Other
  12. Healthcare Access:
    1. Do you have health insurance?
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. Unsure
    2. In the past 12 months have you had access to each of the following?
      1. Doctor
      2. Dentist
      3. Other

Mental Health

  1. In the past three months have you felt the following symptoms (enough to cause distress or make it hard to participate in your academic, social, and family life)?
    1. Stressed
    2. Nervous
    3. Anxious
    4. On edge
    5. Little pleasure or interest in doing things
    6. Unable to stop worrying
    7. Tired
    8. Feeling down
    9. Depressed
    10. Helpless
    11. Lonely
    12. Other
  2. Which of the following mental health resources do you currently have access to when you need it?
    1. Counseling
    2. Therapy
    3. Medication
    4. Someone to talk to
    5. Support groups
    6. N/A
    7. Other
  3. Where did you learn how to deal with difficult emotions, such as being stressed, angry, upset, or mad?
    1. School
    2. Parent/guardian
    3. Friend
    4. Internet
    5. Media (social media, books, magazines)
    6. A youth program
    7. I haven't learned this yet
    8. Other
  4. Where did you learn how to get help when you or a friend is having mental health issues?
    1. School
    2. Parent/guardian
    3. Friend
    4. Internet
    5. Media (social media, books, magazines)
    6. A youth program
    7. I haven't learned this yet
    8. Other
  5. What more do we need to know to understand physical health, mental health, romantic relationships and/or sexual relationships in your life?